Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Healthy Choices V.S. Convenient Choices

We are all faced with the task of decision making every day. Some of the decisions we have to make involve choosing between health and convenience.
For example we can be faced with the question of what to make for dinner? Should we just pop in a frozen microwave dinner, or should we take time and cut up fresh vegetables, fruits, and make a lean and healthy protein? While in the moment it might be nice and easy to just pop in that frozen dinner into the microwave the healthy fresh foods meal that took time to prepare will undoubtably benefit us more both in the short and long terms.
Another healthy choice v.s. convenient choice can be when going somewhere that is within a realistic walking distance do you choose to walk yourself there while it'll take way longer you'll also benefit way more from that choice than you will from driving your car there.
There are many other examples here are just a couple more. Stairs v.s. elevator or escalator, walking your dog or just letting them out in your yard.
I encourage us all to everyday when and where possible choose the healthy choice, cause even though it may take longer, and hurt a bit in the moment it'll benefit us way longer than convenience will.


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