Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lazy Saturdays Are The BEST!

Oh how great are lazy relaxing Saturdays? Truly? This morning started off with Ashley and I getting up at 630am but we made great use of our early morning wake up. I started the day by finishing up our laundry, while Ashley did her morning workout on the Nintendo Wii Fit Plus, she's doing so well on it and with her own fitness I'm soo proud of her (Way to go Baby!!!!!). After doing the last of our laundry I began making breakfast which today were a breakfast burrito and homemade hash browns fro each of us.
-1 scrambled egg each
-sliced red peppers
-sliced mushrooms
-sliced red onion
-wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla shell

-Yukon gold potatoes
-oregano flakes
-garlic salt
-parsley flakes
-fried in Canola Oil

After breakfast I did a quick workout, and run on the Nintendo Wii Fit Plus which I too am getting great use of, and seeing great results thanks to. After working out it was off to our blood donation appointments. We try to give blood as often as possible. Today was my 13th donation, and Ashley's 7th. While we were there donating they give you some food after so I made my blood donation food my lunch today. I had a bowl of beef barley soup, an amazing cupcake courtesy of "Crave" a little cupcake shop that donates cupcakes to Canadian Blood Services, and a can of diet coke. I know I know not the most healthy lunch, but it did fill me up for the afternoon, so I was pretty happy at the time anyway.

After donating blood we went and did our recycling (bottles and cans, and regular paper recycling) we made like $6.50 at the bottle depot from our beer bottles and cans not great not horrid either.
After our recycling expedition it was back home to drop me off, and then Ashley headed out again, this time to the "Home and Garden Show" with her family. I chose to stay home and have a wicked lazy Olympic watching filled afternoon. I was so excited watching Olympics as I saw Canada win another 3 medals this afternoon including 2 gold medals.

Now I'm just about to start on dinner as Ashley will be home very soon, and I'm not really sure what we're doing this evening but I know it will surely be grand.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Thank God It Was FRIDAY!

Wow the weekend is here again, and let me tell you, it could not have come soon enough. This past week has been a very busy, very up and down week for in terms of my stress levels. Needless to say waking up this morning at 5:30am I was very relieved to realize that today was Friday.
I started this morning off with a good healthy, and filling breakfast.

For breakfast this morning I had 2 slices of lightly margarined whole wheat toast with honey on the top, and a banana.

After my breakfast this morning I hopped on the scale here at the house and to my satisfaction I saw that I am now 1.5lbs less than my goal weight of 185lbs that I had for 12 days ago putting me at a total weight of 183.5lbs. I guess my hard work and healthy choices are paying dividends.

Once at work this morning there wasn't really much for me to do, so I just kinda created work for myself to complete including making myself an amazing veggie wrap.

This amazing veggie wrap contained lots of spinach, sliced mushrooms, diced tomatoes, green pepper slices, red onion slices, and cucumber slices, with lite mayonnaise on a white tortilla shell.

Along with my veggie wrap for lunch I had a bowl of Roasted Red Pepper Soup, and a slice of garlic toast, and a small side of Franks Red Hot hot sauce.

After lunch today at work we all started cleaning up the main kitchen.

Pictured here is Robert aka: ROBO, as he cleans out our small coke fridge. (he looks like a caged animal at the zoo, haha)

After work is was off to home I went, and for the last leg of my journey home I did a 24 minute walk home, as it was such a beautiful late winter/early spring afternoon here in Calgary.
At home this afternoon was a busy one as well, filled with me cleaning our house which can be a little hard at times cause I'm thinking our vacuum is gradually dying off, but otherwise cleaning the place was a breeze. Following the house cleaning I hopped on the Nintendo Wii Fit Plus to do a 30 minute tradition, cardio, and strength, and yoga workout, followed by a hard 30 minute run on the Wii Fit Plus.

After working out I got outside a n did the first household BBQ of 2010.

Dinner tonight was BBQ mesquite steak from M&M meat shops, BBQ baked potatoes, and steamed broccoli, along with a bowl of my homemade carrot ginger soup I made on Wednesday at work, and a glass of Fat Free Milk.

We ate dinner while we watched the Canada v.s. Slovakia men's Olympic Ice Hockey Semi-final game, which we (Canada) won and now we play the USA on Sunday afternoon for the gold medal in Men's Olympic Ice Hockey at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.

I am now writing this blog from bed with Ashley sleeping next to me, and Olympic highlights on in the background.

Hope you all had a great Friday, and continue to have a Happy and Healthy weekend.

G'night everyone!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Super Start To Super Sunday!!!

I hope you're all enjoying your Sunday as much as I have so far. This morning I have so far blogged once prior, weighed myself which I am very pleased to announce I am currently at 184lbs.

Along with being at a happy weight, I am feeling the healthiest, and most energetic I've felt in the last 10 years easily. My waist line is the smallest it's been in that time which is leading to my clothes sagging more which is both a nice and not so nice feeling, but in the end I'd say a good thing.

After weighing myself I did a 30 minute workout on the Nintendo Wii Fit Plus, followed by a 30 minute run on the Wii Fit Plus. While I am thankful for the ability to run on the Wii Fit Plus I am chomping at the bit to get back outside to run which I am intending to do this upcoming week with warmer weather moving into Calgary!

Post workout and run I started making breakfast for Ashley and I which today was.

Per Person:
-Chocolate Chip French Toast Muffin (1/2 muffin each *mine with 1tsp icing sugar and 1tbsp organic maple syrup, Ashley passed on the toppings*)
-400ml approx each, fruit and veggie smoothie. Containing: Kiwi, Orange, fresh Spinach, frozen Blueberries, banana, rice milk, and yogurt.
-Coffee from M&M Meat Shops
This was a tasty, mostly healthy, and very filling breakfast.

I then proceeded to pack Ashley a healthy and tasty lunch, breakfast, and snacks for her work day tomorrow so that that can be one less thing that we have to do later on in our day.
The rest of our Sunday I imagine will be spent watching Olympics, eating lunch, going to Ashley's indoor soccer game late this afternoon, followed by going to the bar afterwards with her team to watch Team Canada take on Team U.S.A. in Men's Ice Hockey at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.

Hope you all have a super Sunday, and GO CANADA GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!


Good Saturday It Was

So yesterday was a long late day filled with good and healthy foods, fun activities, and even a few tasty drinks.
After my blog post yesterday Ashley and I spent some of the morning watching some TV, before making lunch which was:

-We each had a bowl of "Pacific Organic Foods" Creamy Tomato Soup. Purchased from Costco Wholesale
-I had a toasted slice of Foccacia Bread, Ashley had Yogurt and Muesli instead of bread.

After lunch we headed off to do some shopping for some fresh fruits, as well as some more milk, and to purchase a birthday gift for our friend who's birthday it was yesterday. We did really well on the shopping picking up some apples, oranges, mango's, bananas, and grapes.
Once we got back home from our afternoon of shopping we watched a little more Olympic coverage on TV, followed by starting on supper making. Last night for supper I made:

-Baked Potatoes
-Maple Salmon Skewers (from: M&M Meat Shops)
-Steamed Broccoli
-Glass of White Zinfandel wine (from Barefoot Cellars Winery in Modesto California)

It was so nice to have a healthy, yummy, dinner at home with Ashley, and we actually eating just the two of us at our dining room table, especially since lately we have been eating lots of meals in the living room watching TV which is fun and nice too, but the table is kinda romantic.

After dinner we had our friends birthday party to head off to, yes the formal wear/business casual dress party I was talking about earlier.

We clean up nicely!

The party was just a house party, so it was rather low key, but really fun and relaxing and the friend who's birthday it was made us all 3 yummy cocktails, and tossed a cold beer my way so I was quite happy with the drink selections. Also it was fun seeing some people I don't see allot of these days, and meet some new faces. The hardest part for me though was being there until after 1:30am, and not getting back home until almost 2:00am this morning, at which point I was starving so I made Ashley and I a bowl of popcorn which we ate while watching TV in bed.

Hope you all had a great day yesterday, I know I sure did.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm Backkkkkkkk, and so is my blog!

Just quickly saying "Hey" and that I am still alive, and staying healthy, or at least trying to as much as possible. It has been a busy busy busy past couple weeks, filled at times with some un-healthyness. But I'm here to tell you I'm back and ready to move forward and so is my blog. With out further delay let's get this show on the road eh?

So this morning has been a bit of a busy one already, I actually slept in until 8am which for me is a really good sleep in considering I'm usually up by 6am Monday to Friday for work. Once I got up I did some twitter cleaning up of my account, then some scouting of what I missed at the Olympics last night and whats all going on in Vancouver/Whistler today, I'm gonna be so lost come March 1 when the Olympics are over, I'll have to go back to watching random crap on TV.
After all that, it was time for me to get in a good hard workout and 30 minute run on the Nintendo Wii Fit Plus which I must say felt just amazing. Nothing beets that feeling of being active and healthy again especially after 2 weeks of being somewhat lazy and inconsistent with that and the foods I eat.

After the workout and run it was time to make Ashley and I a Saturday morning breakfast.

Today we had breakfast burritos (scrambled egg, fried onions, and mushrooms, with salsa inside too, in a whole wheat tortilla. Along with the breakfast burrito we had a half grapefruit each, and a mug of coffee (in our Olympic mugs from Vancouver) yay Canada!!!!

The rest of our day is shaping up to be a busy one, as we have to go do some shopping, and tonight we have a friends birthday party to attend and it's formal attire (I'm scared I have to dress up!)

I hope you all have enjoyed my return to everything happy and healthy blog.
Have a happy and healthy Saturday February 20 2010 everybody.



Monday, February 15, 2010

Healthy Food = Happy People!

With Ashley being sick all day today, today was a very low-key holiday Monday for us. I will admit having a low-key end to the long weekend has been a very nice touch, we have gotten lots of great visiting and loving couple time together today through cuddling, and watching TV whether it was watching the "Hoarders" and "Intervention" marathons on A&E or watching the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics this has been the perfect Family Day (Holiday Monday) for me minus the fact that Ashley has been sick all day.

This afternoon I made us our breakfast for tomorrow morning since I have to be on my way to work at 4:50am tomorrow morning, and I'm not wanting to get up earlier than I have to. For breakfast tomorrow morning we are both having:

Pumpkin Strawberry Oats, with Flax seeds.

After making our breakfasts for tomorrow I made and packed Ashley's lunch and work snacks for her day at the office tomorrow, including a wicked veggie filled spring mix salad for lunch.

Once I finished Ashley's food for tomorrow I started on our dinner for tonight which was:

the last of Ashley's Slow Cooker Veggie Chili from about a month ago, wow that stuff kept so well in the freezer. Along with the Veggie Chili I made us Whole Grain Rice as the bed for our chili.

We had some Raspberry Jell-O as our dessert. I decided to make us that as Ashley's cold is primarily in her throat and lungs, and I wanted to make something that would be easy for her to swallow and would feel nice on the way down as well.

Since dinner we have just been un-winding our weekend by watching Olympics, and talking about our up-coming week which while a short week work wise is shaping up to be a busy week for us both, both at work, and out of work.
We are now getting ready to head to bed and get well rested for our Tuesday of work and play.

Sleep tight lovelies, and drink lots of fluids :)


Turning Point

Everyone in any journey in life experiences a turning at least once somewhere along their journey. I feel that this weekend and today have been a turning point for me in keeping my weight off and maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle. As I said in yesterdays blog while I have kept my self at a weight I'm happy with over the past week since I achieved my weight goal a week ago yesterday, I have been allowing myself to become lazy in the area of fitness, and careless in what I've been eating in the past week. Today I have made a conscious decision to turn my eating and fitness around from what it has been this past week to get myself back on the track that I was on the prior 11 weeks.

This morning started off on the right foot by putting myself through a tense and hard 35 minute cardio, yoga, and strength training workout on the Nintendo Wii Fit Plus. Followed by a hard all out 30 minute run on the Wii Fit Plus. While I would normally prefer to do that run outdoors I elected to do the run indoors on the Wii Fit because Ashley is battling a bad chest cold this weekend and is unable to do any hard cardio especially cardio outside in near freezing Calgary temperatures in February. It was so nice having Ashley in the living room with me this morning to visit with while I was running, her support is a big motivator for me on this journey, and had it not been for her I would have had a much harder time achieving the results I have thus far had it not been for her.

For breakfast this morning I made us both smoothies consisting of:

-Navel Orange
-Kiwi Fruit
-Fresh Spinach
-Strawberry Yogurt
-Fresh Strawberries
-Pureed Pumpkin
-Rice Milk
-Ice Cubes

Along with the smoothies I also made homemade breakfast potatoes with regular bakers potatoes, and seasoned the potato chunks with: Parsley flakes, granulated garlic, oregano leaves, and ground pepper, and drizzled ketchup on top once they were plated. Along with the smoothie, and the potatoes I also had a mug of Starbucks Kona blend coffee.

While we ate breakfast we watched the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics Men's Downhill Alpine ski competition. Unfortunately none of the 4 Canadian racers won a medal but they did their best.

After breakfast we continued watching Olympic coverage on TV, and then we switched over to watching "Hoarders" and "Intervention" on A&E. Both of these shows I have to admit scare me. It truly scares me that there are people out there who can let there problems get out of control to the point where they become life threatening problems. Seeing people even random people such as those on these shows just makes me wanna help them, and those in their positions so much, it makes me sad.

For lunch we had:

Leftover pastas from our Valentines dinner out last night. Ashley had Bacon Carbonerra Pasta, and I had Penne Pasta Jambalaya. We went to this cut little hole in the wall Italian restaurant for dinner last night after seeing the movie "Valentines Day" in the afternoon yesterday, it was a cute couply movie.

The rest of our Holiday Monday (Family Day here in Alberta) I expect will just be spent taking it easy around the house getting Ashley better, keeping me well, and getting us both ready for another week of work, Yay a 4 day work week we're so excited for this week.

I hope you all had a great Happy and Healthy Valentines, and Valentines weekend whether you had a long weekend or not.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Will Not Allow Myself To Slide!

Here we are Sunday February 14 2010 AKA: Valentines Day 2010 AKA: Day 3 of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. Today is also the day that I had originally set as my 22lbs weight loss goal date going from 207lbs 12 weeks ago to 185lbs by today, and I am proud to again say that last Sunday I reached that goal of 185lbs, and today I am at 184.25lbs.
Now I must say that my biggest concern after reaching my weight goal last week was gonna be keeping pounds off and not letting up, now while I have actually lost 0.75lbs beyond my goal I have begun allowing myself to slip, both in the food and exercise parts, as well as in my blogging.
This past week I have self admittedly allowed myself to eat more junk food

And pictured above is just some of the bad things I've been eating this week.

Now along with all the CRAP food I've been eating, I've eaten some really great foods such as loads of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean filling meats such as chicken, and turkey. Along with the food aspect I've been up and down with the fitness, some days really bang bang bang and going all out, and some days really blah and lazy towards my fitness, something that I'm really hoping to curb this upcoming week. One of the things I'm hoping to use to my advantage are the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics because of the fact that growing up I was on track to make the Canadian Alpine National Team, until a serious knee accident destroyed that dream in my teens, and knowing what great shape all of these winter Olympic athletes are in, and that tends to act as a motivator for me to push myself harder and further.

This morning I started right back on my serious about health track by making Ashley and I a healthy and fun Valentines Breakfast.

Blueberry Whole Wheat Pancakes, with lite margarine, pure organic maple syrup, fresh cut strawberries, and a cup of black coffee (in our Vancouver 2010 Olympic Coffee mugs) yes I am an "Olympic Super Nerd" haha.

The rest of my Valentines Day 2010 I hope to spend working out, having a great romantic day with the love of my life, and enjoying our date night of Dinner, and a movie tonight!

Hope you and yours all have a terrific Valentines 2010!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bounce Back Day!

After yesterday I promised myself that today was gonna be my "Bounce Back Day" meaning I was gonna eat healthy and sensible all day, and get off my but and fill my day with physical activities, and fitness related activities.

This morning I started off by sleeping in by about a half hour leaving me little time for breakfast, so I had to be resourceful in picking my breakfast.

I had a chocolate Carnation Breakfast Anytime made with fat free milk, cup of black coffee, and planned to have a banana with it. However due to a lack of time I had to postpone the eating of my banana until later.

After breakfast, and quickly getting ready for work it was off to work for what was a busy day filled with caterings galore. While it was busy the time did pass by quite quickly and kept my hunger at bay, with the exception of three cups of black coffee as my morning snack.

Lunch service in the restaurant was a rather busy one which kinda surprised me given the warmer sunnier weather instead of the dreery cold weather we had been getting. I finally got to sit down and enjoy my lunch and eat my banana that I had been carrying around with me since 6am at about 1pm. For lunch today I had.

The banana, and a veggie wrap containing: lite mayonnaise, shredded lettuce, red and green peppers, diced tomatoes,cucumber slices, sprouts, and mango chunks, and dipped in BBQ sauce.

After work I elected to walk the final distance from the major bus terminal in my part of the city to our house. This was a beautiful afternoon for a 24 minute walk uphill. Choosing to walk home instead of waiting for the second bus was a choice that made me very happy, and helped me feel very positive about my "Bounce Back Day!". Upon arriving home I had to have myself a wee snack of Stonyfield Organic Cranberry/Raspberry Yogurt.

For me and Ashley's dinner tonight I made us a hearty mixed greens salad with slice mushrooms, and sliced green peppers, topped with 2/3 of a boneless/skinless chicken breast. And drizzled with a olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing I whipped up while the chicken breasts were grilling.

After dinner we set out on a nice crisp 30 minute evening run through our neighbourhood continuing with our "Bounce Back Day" plan. After our run Ashley set up on the Nintendo Wii Fit Plus, while I tidied up the kitchen from dinner, and assembled her lunch and work snack for tomorrow.

We ended our Wednesday night by discussing RSP (Retirement Savings Plan) options as I have an appointment at the bank tomorrow afternoon to set up an RSP for myself. We;ll see how that goes (promise I'll tell about that appointment tomorrow in my blog). While we were discussing these options I had a little bedtime snack of Original Cheerios and Fat Free Milk.

Now I'm in bed writing this blog entry and needing to get myself to sleep as tomorrow is gonna be an earlier day than normal since we are carpooling in to work with Ashley's mom as tomorrow is her night with her mom, and we just park at her house in the morning on Thursdays.

Goodnight! :)
Tuesday started out as any other day in my world. Breakfast with the love of my life (my lovely girlfriend Ashley).

Breakfast yesterday was

Banana Pumpkin Oats, topped with brown sugar, and ground cinnamon. Along with a cup of Black Coffee.

After breakfast we got ready, and headed into downtown for work. Once at work it was a pretty routine morning for me in my catering kitchen, not a lot going on, but enough to keep the morning from dragging on.

My morning snack yesterday consisted of:

A Black Coffee in my SAIT (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology) where I went to college) travel mug, along with a croissant.

Lunch was a personally created pizza I made myself.

A lite coating of tomato sauce, followed by a layer of fresh spinach, then diced tomatoes, slicer red onions, sliced red and green peppers, fresh pineapple, black olives, and topped with a lite layer of shredded cheddar, and mozzarella cheeses.

The afternoon at work was a long, and interesting afternoon. We found out that one of our managing operations partners was gonna be leaving us at the end of this week, and that we are looking at bringing back a former employee of ours. Also I spent lots of time doing prep for our functions tomorrow (today).

After work yesterday I hung around downtown for about a half hour and waited for Ashley to be finished work so that we could commute home together. On our way home we talked about ideas of what we could have done last night given that Ashley did not have indoor soccer as her team had a bye last night. After a bit of back and forthing on what we wanted to do we in the end chose to have a CHEAT MEAL from our strict healthy foods diet, and go to our local Chinese Food restaurant and have the "All You Can Eat Chinese Buffet".
Now I must say that while Chinese Buffets are both very tempting to the eye and appetite, and very filling, and not diet friendly we both were able to control ourselves, and have smaller more reasonable size portions.

Some of what I had were: cold cut veggies, and dip, hot and sour soup, ginger beef, chicken chow main, and two grilled pork dumplings.

After our Chinese Food Buffet we continued our mid week date night by going to see "Crazy Heart" starring Jeff Bridges. This was a truly amazing and brilliant movie, with a once in a career acting performance by Jeff Bridges which is completely Oscar worthy.

Hope you all had a great Tuesday/last night


Monday, February 8, 2010

Pre Super Bowl Tortilla Veggie Pizza

Now I know this is a little late but two things I'd like to share:
1)Who Dat Nation rejoice. The New Orleans Saints are Super Bowl XLIV Champions
2)Ashley's Pre Super Bowl Tortilla Veggie Pizza

On this pizza Ashley put:
-Pizza Sauce
-Fresh Spinach
-Sliced White Mushrooms
-Chopped Green Peppers
-and Crumbled Feta Cheese
All ingredients on a whole wheat tortilla and baked in oven at 400 degrees for 10 minutes.

We each had half of the tortilla veggie pizza with a bowl of low fat cream of mushroom soup.

This was an amazing lite lunch pizza. I highly recommend trying it.



Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Did It! I Hit My Weight Goal!

Happy Super Bowl Sunday to all, and Go Saints Go!!! So as you can probably tell from the title of this post I have hit my weight goal of 185lbs, and I also hit that goal 1 week earlier than my target date of February 14.

Now comes the difficult part of my new me. I want to maintain a weight between 182lbs and 188lbs. I say this is the most difficult part because this is the part where in the past I have slipped. The last time I reached this weight I was so happy with myself, and so confident that maintaining it would be easy that I made it ok to binge eat, to stop pushing my exercise and running, and before I knew it I had gained it all back less one pound. This time I'm gonna keep the fitness and running up, keep the healthy eating up, and keep the excuse making down. I see this being the only effective way to ensure that these 22lbs I've lost in the last 11 weeks stay off and stay off for good, and that I keep up my high intensity training for my two upcoming runs in May of this year.

For Breakfast today I made Pumpkin Oats, with leftover breakfast potatoes from yesterday, and Starbucks Winter Blend Coffee.

The Pumpkin Oats were made with the following:
11/4 cups water brought to a boil
1 cup quick oats
1 tbsp flax seed
2 tbsp pumpkin puree
(this recipe makes 2x 11/2 cup servings of Pumpkin Oats cooked)
(my recipe makes the cooked oats on the dry side, if you like wetter oats just keep adding a bit more water to achieve the your desired consistency)

While we ate breakfast we finished watching "I Love You, Beth Cooper"

I gotta say while that movie had it's "Cute" moments, overall it was extremely "Cheesy". Certainly not anything I ever need or want to watch again.

The rest of today for us will be spent:
eating lunch
me working out
going to the library
and going to our friend Emily's house to watch Super Bowl XLIV Go Saints!

Hope you all have a great Super Bowl Sunday and if you're watching the game I hope you all enjoy it.



Best Run Yet

Yesterday was one of those days where I was busy, but not busy. Yesterday afternoon Ashley and I went for a run, a very sore, but very good run at the same time. We ran 25min 43sec which for Ashley was her fastest run of the year thus far on the loop that we've been running by our house when we've run it twice (congratulations baby)! After the run we were both hurting a bit. Ashley cause that was her hardest and best run yet, me because Friday night when I went running on my own I forgot to wear my orthopedic knee brace that was made for me after my 6th knee operation in early 2008. While I did wear it on yesterdays run I was beginning to feel the pain in my right knee was beginning to coming on so we both ended up doing lots of stretching yesterday post run.
After stretching was over it was time for a small but filling afternoon snack.

My snack consisted of a Chocolate Chip Muffin, and a 500ml bottle of water.

We then went over to Ashley's moms house for what we planned to be a walk, but Ashley got in a super busy bee visit mode and visited our prime walking time away which was ok especially since I was beginning to feel a little tired myself and we still had lots to do.
From the visit with her mom and little brother, Ashley and I headed off to the supermarket to pick up some small items that we either forgot, or just didn't get Friday night at Costco such as: Bananas, Kiwis, Soy Milk, Rice Milk, Tea. I also tried to find some fresh Hot Cross Buns but the only ones they had left were hard as rocks which didn't really appeal to me in any way.

Supper last night was very tasty, and filling but also very simple as we were short on time cause from the time we got home till we had to leave for the hockey game was only an hour. This supper was a joint creation by Ashley and I. I seasoned the Chicken drumsticks with salt and pepper and parsley flakes, and made the rice, she made the Plantain Banana.

The hockey game we went to were the Calgary Hitmen and Medicine Hat Tigers. Both junior hockey game. We are getting lots of Hitmen game tickets for free this season cause the company Ashley works for has many blocks of season tickets and are always giving the tickets to employees, so she snatches allot up and we go.

The game was 2-0 for Calgary and it was a really close well played game by both teams, just two Medicine Hat mistakes cost them the game.
We always take our own food snack with us cause food prices are insane at the games, and they're also ridiculously un-healthy. The only things we'll buy are drinks.

I took a Kashi Cereal bar Blackberry flavor (from costco)

and we did buy a large Molson Canadian Beer and split it

Once home after the game we made a bowl of popcorn in our hot air popper and topped with lite margarine, and Kernels Raunchy Ranch seasoning, and a pot of Sugar Plum Spice tea, and sat down and started the movie "I Love You, Beth Cooper"

I'm still out on how good or how bad that movie is. We're gonna finish it this morning and I'll let you all know my final verdict in my next blog entry!


Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Love Saturday Mornings Like Apples Love Cinnamon

Saturday mornings are the best mornings of the week in my books. Part of why I love Saturday mornings so much is cause I wake up and know that not only do I not have to go to work today, I get another morning of the same feeling tomorrow morning, also Saturday mornings around our house are very laid back as a rule not all rushed and go go go like weekday mornings. Thirdly I love Saturday mornings cause of the yummy breakfasts we have.
This morning was no exception.

Starbucks Kona Coffee which was brought back from Hawaii for me from my best guy friend Jordan who spent the holidays in Hawaii

Along with the coffee from Jordan we had:
1 Spartan Apple each with the core removed
1/2tsp of ground cinnamon in the hollowed core of each apple
2 egg omelette each with fresh spinach, mushrooms, and green pepper in each, and salsa. (Ashley had powder cheese on top of hers, and I had banana pepper rings in mine too.
Garlic Oregano Parsley breakfast potatoes.

It was such a filling and well rounded Saturday morning breakfast.

Before breakfast I did also do yoga, and had a 20 minute cardio workout on the Nintendo Wii Fit Plus.

We have a busy day still ahead of us, including:
Going for a run
Going to the market for fresh fruits
Going for a river walk with Ashley's mom
And a hockey game tonight

With all that in mind I should really get a move on, and start doing these things.
Hope you all have a wonderfully Happy and Healthy Saturday February 6 2010 :)
