Friday, January 8, 2010

Have you ever been called fat? or Skinny? Ugly?

Have you ever been labeled as "Fat", "a sack of bones", "ugly" or other horrible and degrading names? if so say "I". Now be honest with yourself, remember no one else has to know the truth...If you've been called any of the above names or even a name that has left you depressed and down please say "I". If you can honestly say you've never been called these then concider yourself lucky, fortunate, a truly rare species, but if you answered yes to any of the names then I'd like to share some thoughts with you.
"Fat", "sack of bones", "Ugly", and other names are just that they are labels. These lables don't nor should they define who you are as the unique and truly special individual that you are. These lables are given to us by people who are insecure about themselves, and there place in the world, people who themselves are or have been at some point in their life been putdown by others and are trying to compensate for their lack of self esteem by cutting others down to feel just as horrible and crappy as they have or do feel. Other people who feel this need to take shots at others through words sometimes are showing their lack of acceptance towards people that are different from them and their close families and or friends. Well I'm here today telling you to take a stand against this type of mistreatment. No one in the world has any right to tell you that you are too fat or too skinny, or not pretty enough to be their wife/girlfriend, husband/boyfriend, school mate, co-worker, employee/er, date to the prom, or anything else. Infact let me tell you this...If someone says anysort of thing to you, concider yourself lucky cause guess what...They're the one/s NOT GOOD ENOUGH for you. You deserve better than to made to feel like complete DUMP!
Some of the biggest offenders of making people seem less cause of their weight, or lack there of, or how their outter body may look are the very magazines, t.v. shows, and celebrities we so very much so look to to make us supposedly feel beautiful, sexy, cute, or just "in". We have become a society that places so much trust in these sources to boost our image, and to apparently give us tips on the latest beauty crazes and how to beautify ourselves, that alot of times all that ends up happening is we feel even crappier about our imperfections. We need to learn to make our own opinions of what beauty is and what we want ourselves as individuals to look like. We ought not rely on the opinions of others.
Another point i'd like to make on this topic is we all need to understand that what people see at work, at school, on the bus, in a mall is simply the outside. Do they really know you on the inside? I bet not inner beauty is every bit if not more important than anything on the surface. I want you all to look inside yourself and answer this question: Do you like the person you are? Are you a good husband/wife, parent, child, friend, co-worker, etc. If the answer is yes than please do yourself a huge favor right now and go find the closest mirror and tell yourself you're a great person, and that you love yourself, finish it off by giving yourself a big hug. Once you have done that find at least three other people today they can be anyone including complete starngers, and go up to them and tell them what a good person they are and how beautiful of a person they are and give them a hug, trust me you'll make their day and life so much better knowing you think so highly of them. Just be cautious if you choose a complete stranger approach the hug with caution haha.
Some tips to help yourself, and others feel better about ourselves and eachother are:
-tell yourself at least FIVE things a day you like about yourself
-tell at least three people a day something beautiful about themselves and if appropriate ive them a hug to let them know you truly mean it and value them and their beauty
-let negative lables just roll off your back. Now i know that's easier said than done but only with practice will we fully succeed at eliminating the horrid effect lables have on us and our society

Now just incase you're wondering my background on this subject here it is. I'm someone who has been reffered to at point in my life as too fat, too skinny, too ugly, too geeky, and i'm sure that while not my intention I've said and or made someone to feel too this or too that, and for that I appoligize sincerly.

Please remember each and everyone of us is too beautiful for words and we never have and never will deserve to feel anything other than too beautiful for words.


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